Why are we integrating a form for connecting patients with targeted therapists into a mental health project?

Why are we integrating a form for connecting patients with targeted therapists into a mental health project?
You are the owner of a clinic where therapists work and dozens of clients with various problems come to you.
It all starts with finding a target therapist for a specific case. This takes time and manual work by specialists.
We know this pain. But most importantly, our team knows the tools to relieve it.
An online form on the website allows us to automatically match a therapist with a patient. This is a critical function for a modern mental health project. If you don't integrate this feature, others will. The consequences of this need not be explained. It is obvious that you are one step behind your competitors.
Why dig through papers and do manual work if it can be automated? Technology mixed with real experts is the most effective pill for any pain.